Warner Bros. Studio Logo 2023
It was a privilege and honor to work on the latest iteration of the logo animation for the renowned Warner Bros. Studio.
Reflecting on the remarkable groundwork laid by the Deva team in 2021, I had the opportunity to refine, enhance, and polish
every element that comprises this iconic animation, resulting in its legendary beauty.
Every aspect, from the shield to the sash to each letter, underwent meticulous craftsmanship,
adjustments, and balance to attain an impeccable blend of reflection and contrast.
I found immense pleasure in fine-tuning each shimmering light and detail across the animation,
and unifying everything within the ACES pipeline, where the vibrant colors truly radiate
resulting in its remarkable outcome.

Team 2023: Julian Loscher - Francisco Sánchez de Cañete - Josh Smiertka - Jason Smart
Team 2023: Julian Loscher - Francisco Sánchez de Cañete - Josh Smiertka - Jason Smart
Team 2021: Michael Daniels - Adam Singer - Fred Malmgren - Phillip Crable
Gavin Whelan - Thom Schillinger - Jose Ponce
Creative Director: Suppasak Viboonlarp - John Berlin - Ben O'Meara
Executive Producer: John Busenberg
Creative Director: Suppasak Viboonlarp - John Berlin - Ben O'Meara
Executive Producer: John Busenberg
Produced at Devastudios